‘The Observers are the cameras with which we are trying to photograph contemporary life’ We would like to invite photographers, writers and artists of all types to participate in a unique project inspired by Mass Observation. The Worktown Observation Centre will be open in Bolton 26 July to 2 August, in an empty shop space […]
A guided tour round some of the Bolton pubs featured in Mass Observation’s Worktown study and the book ‘The Pub and the People’. The tour is free but places are limited- please book by emailing worktownobservation@gmail.com.The Worktown Observation Centre will be observing Bolton 26 July to 2 August. www.worktownobservation.co.uk
Join a special Worktown inspired event being put on for the Manchester Histories Festival. A day long workshop based upon the Mass Observation archive of everyday working-class life in Bolton in the late nineteen-thirties. Explore the working and social lives of a Lancashire cotton town. Learn about Bolton Museum’s Humphrey Spender’s Worktown Collection and his contribution […]
Mass Observation photography exhibition featuring Worktown photography by Humphrey Spender. August 2 to 29 September 2013. Admission free