Market Workers - Photograph

…Workers in Bolton’s market hall in the early 1980s. The hall has now become an indoor shopping centre. Bolton’s other market on Ashburner Street is still open and bustling (2012)….

Market Hall - Photograph

…Shoppers in Bolton’s market hall in the early 1980s. The hall has now become an indoor shopping centre. Bolton’s other market on Ashburner Street is still open and bustling (2012)….

Spender’s favourites - Blog post

ther stranger than fiction. Here they are in the photograph.’ ‘….the whole of the by-election campaign produced a lot of favourite pictures. One of which is this of an old lady going to the polling booth wearing the statutory shawl and clogs. It seems to me that photograph gives not only marvellous sort of blacks but a very…. an atmosphere which is very typical of the streets, the cobbled streets in Bolton at the time.’ ‘Another favourite is of th…

Smoking Man at the Market - Photograph

…A man smoking in Bolton’s market hall in the early 1980s. The hall has now become an indoor shopping centre. Bolton’s other market on Ashburner Street is still open and bustling (2012)….

Market Hall - Photograph

…Sweets for sale on a stall in Bolton’s market hall in the early 1980s. The hall has now become an indoor shopping centre. Bolton’s other market on Ashburner Street is still open and bustling (2012)….

Redmans Dried Fruits - Photograph

…Redmans Dried Fruits stall in Bolton’s market hall in the early 1980s. The hall has now become an indoor shopping centre. Bolton’s other market on Ashburner Street is still open and bustling (2012)….

Good Bacon - Photograph

…Stalls in Bolton’s market hall in the early 1980s. The hall has now become an indoor shopping centre. Bolton’s other market on Ashburner Street is still open and bustling (2012)….

Market Hall - Photograph

…Barry Gleave’s sweet stall in Bolton’s market hall in the early 1980s. The hall has now become an indoor shopping centre. Bolton’s other market on Ashburner Street is still open and bustling (2012)….

Clothes Stalls - Photograph

…Clothes stalls in Bolton’s market hall in the early 1980s. The hall has now become an indoor shopping centre. Bolton’s other market on Ashburner Street is still open and bustling (2012)….

School Playground - Photograph

Children in the playground of St Peter and St Paul Primary School, Pilkington Road. The school is still open, and the cross remains on the wall of the playground.