Worktown Observation Centre - Blog post

…Places are limited and can be booked by emailing Gander, Photo Book Workshop, 2-5pm, 31 August Join Robert Parkinson of Preston is my Paris to make your own photo book about Bolton. The workshop will include a short tour of Bolton to collect photographs which you will use to make a book about how you see the town. This event is free and suitable for anyone over the age of 18 with an interest in photography. All materi…

Pub Tour - Blog post

…A guided tour round some of the Bolton pubs featured in Mass Observation’s Worktown study and the book ‘The Pub and the People’. The tour is free but places are limited- please book by emailing The Worktown Observation Centre will be observing Bolton 26 July to 2 August.…

Mass-Observation Theatre Jukebox - Blog post

…ience. These tags are used for identification and tracking and can even be implanted in humans, a dark development of M-O’s surveillance methods.   <a href=”http://boltonworktown.files.wordpress look” rel=”lightbox[124]”> There is more information about how the Jukebox was developed here….

Museum of Takeaway Menu Art - Blog post

…The Museum of Takeaway Menu Art will be visiting the Worktown Observation Centre, on Knowsley Street on 27 July, and will be accepting menus. You find out more about the event by visiting or visit MoTMA….

You and Yours - Blog post

…Radio 4 ran an interesting feature yesterday about the Worktown photographs and Bolton Museum’s work to find out more about them. You can listen again on…